Club & RSL - 30 June 2012


The Shellharbour Club: Cnr Wattle & Shellharbour Rds Shellharbour NSW (02) 4296 7155 or Shellys has the attention of its big city brethren. And for good reason. For over 50 years the Shellharbour Workers Club had served the local Illawarra region 100-odd kilometres south of Sydney. With its poker machines, meat tray raffles, bingo

Club & RSL - 15 July 2007

Shellharbour Workers’ Club

Shellharbour Workers’ Club: Cnr Wattle & Shellharbour Rds,
Shellharbour NSW (02) 42967 155 or Shellharbour Workers’ Club, a prominent NSW South Coast institution, is based in a 20-year-old building that dominates its region both physically — sitting on a hilltop above Shellharbour village; and economically — as the club is one of the largest employers