e’cco Bistro

100 Boundary St, Brisbane 4000
(07) 3831 8344 or


Brisbane local favourite e’cco has launched its new menu.

Housed in a century-old teahouse, Philip Johnson’s first bistro opened 17 years ago.

“It’s a great time of year, right in the middle of Spring and our menu moves with the season,” Philip says.

“My head chef Norman Harvey has built this new menu around seasonal produce such as pardon peppers, mango, peaches and broad beans.

“The seafood and meat on offer is also seasonally focused, including lamb, scallops, white fish and veal.”

Philip says that the strength comes from his team delivering a nuanced and innovative menu that still shows respect for the ingredients.

“Every time we create a new menu it provides fresh challenges for the team. I know Norman has enjoyed flipping people’s perceptions of what can be achieved through incorporating vegetables into sweet dishes and fruit into savoury dishes.

“You’ll look at the menu and know what is going to end up in front of you and you’ll know it will be of the highest quality. The surprise comes with the nuance, innovation and technique we’ve become famous for.”


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