Backchat - 20 April 2011

Royal Wedding On A Plate

(03) 9690 1958 or While women both sides of the pond that indulge in the odd flip through a trash magazine coo at the prospect of a royal wedding, most men are hoping the young Will & Kate don’t royally screw up their Friday night footy plans. However, there are two gents that are

Pub - 15 January 2010

Right in the Middle

Middle Park Hotel: 102 Canterbury Rd, Middle Park, VIC (03) 9690 1958 or Six Degrees is known for turning recycled materials into something unique, but when those ‘raw’ materials constitute English Oak and Queensland Maplewood panelling from the MCC’s Long Room, unique is just the start. Middle Park Hotel was established in 1889, as

Local - 15 July 2008

Van Haandels’ Pacific Solution

Pacific Dining Room: (02) 6680 7055 or Donning the sandals and shorts and road tripping North towards the sun and sand is an inviting prospect for some in the Southern states. Far from a holiday though, John and Lisa Van Haandel decided to make the trip work for themselves handing over a generous sum