Backchat - 5 January 2009

Just Another Editorial About How Crap the Economy is… at the Moment

I’m aware that in these troubled times people look to their magazine editors for reassurance. Opinion leaders such as myself have a responsibility; a responsibility to shed light, not heat, on a vexed situation that doesn’t need any more scare-mongering and scuttlebutt. In an environment fueled by rumour and innuendo, it behoves me to provide

Local - 15 September 2008


Bosisto’s Liquor Bar: 318 Bridge Rd, Richmond VIC (03) 9428 6888 or It’s ‘goodbye Asia, hello Europe’ for the team behind Double Happiness and New Gold Mountain. Like most savvy operators, they’re always looking for something new to sink their teeth into. Seeing an opportunity for a boutique venue on Bridge Road, Richmond, the

Local - 5 September 2008

All the Signs are There

Wests Ashfield: 115 Liverpool Rd, Ashfield NSW (02) 8752 2000 or It’s no good spending squillions on a fancy interior design and installing the best audiovisual gear available if the exterior of the venue looks as inviting as the Port Hedland Detention Centre. Advertising agencies charge manufacturers a bomb to design wrappers for their

Local - 12 May 2008

Cristal Clear

Cristal: (03) 9826 3330 Dean Johnson of Tryst has realised a new after-dark vision in the heart of South Yarra, Melbourne. The Cristal cocktail and champagne bar was designed from scratch and features a dedicated lounge area with leather chesterfields and high wingback chairs, a heated balcony and private entertainment booths separated by heavy drapes

Restaurant - 15 July 2007

Everything’s Peachy

Peach Tree Hotel: Castlereagh Road, Penrith NSW (02) 4721 794 or The Peachtree Hotel is located in one of Sydney’s fastest growing suburbs Penrith. The brief from the owner Colin Parras was simple: Colin wanted a multipurpose space that appealed to all markets — kids included! The venue is big on alfresco ambience and

Global - 5 January 2006

Ocean Dome, Japan

This is an unusual inclusion in our Aspire page, but undoubtedly it is a venue, and undoubtedly it is quite extraordinary. Ocean Dome is known as the world’s largest indoor water park (300m x 100m x 38m), with a retractable roof. The air temperature is always kept around 30º C and the water temperature is