Local - 1 July 2014


Athanaeum Theatre www.athenaeumtheatre.com.au The Athanaeum really is the ‘little theatre that could’. With an 800 capacity spread across three levels, it’s got that superb ‘close to the action’ atmosphere. Around four years ago it scored a post-GFC government stimulus grant to replace its seating and staging (hoists and pulleys), but that doesn’t detract from the

Hotel - 30 March 2011

Simply Marblous

Marble Bar @ The Hilton: 488 George Street, Sydney NSW (02) 9265 6072 or www.marblebarsydney.com.au Sydney’s Marble Bar originally opened in 1893. Funding for the venue was raised from NSW horse racing sweeps – as profitable then as they are now –  and the venue cost a staggering 32,000 pounds to build. Marble Bar was